Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How2 Relieve Constipation in Children

Three factors are involved in good bowel movements.
1. Body Movements: Stools move in the intestine by body movements like walking or running. The physical motion causes slight movements in the intestines.
2. Fiber rich food absorbs more water and so that causes stools to move in the intestine better than dried stools.
3. The lubricator in the intestine is mucus. When there is less mucus it results in constipation.

  • Constipation in infants on exclusive breast-milk is related to the type of food mother eats. Soak fenugreek seeds and add while cooking rice and eat this; the constipation in the infant relieves immediately.
  • Give a few drops to a teaspoon of sterile water (boiled and cooled water) before breast feeding.
  • Once your child is on solid foods, serve a fruit or vegetable with meals and snacks and serve whole-grain foods with at least one meal a day.
  • Make sure your child gets enough water/fluid. Fruit, vegetables, and cooked grains have the added benefit of providing fibre plus a natural source of liquid.
  • If you mix your own formula, make sure it is not over concentrated.
  • Serve natural laxatives. You can use any cooked fruit recipe like applesauce or Yoghurt with Prune sauce.
  • Physical activity improves digestion and defecation, so install good habits early. For infants, move their legs gently in cycling motion and gently massage the abdomen in circular movements using a olive or almond oil.

! Do not give your child a laxative without the doctor's guidance.

Also See:
How2 Make Yoghurt with Prune Sauce
How2 Relieve Diarrhea in Children 

1 comment:

- Sal Ferns said...

This article on Yahoo is a must read to get a better understanding about bowel/poos to help manage issues like constipation.